Tuesday, June 17, 2008

The last weeks happenings.

Interesting last week and a half.

Out of nowhere this showed up at the dumpster.
I counted at least 3 donor bikes, possibly 4. It is clearly an attempt at a rear steer tandem, but the steering linkage gets tangled in the frame and only allows it to turn right. So clearly not a track bike... A co-worker tried to stuff it in the car she saw drop it off, but it was to heavy to drag across the parking lot.

I have wanted to build with the Campy track ends for a long time now (6 years?), so I ordered up a couple sets. Wowzers- these looked better in my imagination. I've been spoiled with KP and Paragon ends I guess. Lots of carving on a belt grinder later I finally got to a workable place.

Just to illustrate how continuously cool the custom bike world is, this week is only two days old and I've had the pleasure to work on a bike for someone 5'0", a rider that is 6'8", and a tandem team that is a powerful 520lbs combined. I LOVE it!

The spring has been fantastic, but its good to get out of the valley from time to time. My wife and I packed up the pooch and headed for the coast over the weekend. Sometimes, it is good to feel humble.

I pretty well wrapped up the experiMENTAL Whip, and will have complete images and a ride report just after I get a headset in it. I've also mitered the His tubes in the His and Hers set, stay tuned for more build details. In the meantime, I'm off for another nap!

1 comment:

Andrew Campbell said...

wooohooo... gee whiz, that thing looks like a Chunk reject. Except not on fire. And a lovely pic of the OR coast... and a great one of Sir Charles. He's a big lad, indeed. Looking forward to the diagnosis on the X-Whip.